The Science of
Kriyayoga Meditation
as taught by

" Guru Purnima is the celebration of realization of the state of perfectness & completeness - Oneness with God (Truth),
by practicing concentration on 2 opposites within. One who gives light to the concept and is a Master of the practice to
realize the highest wisdom - our nature as Vast & infinite, is called Guru Preceptor. "
- Guruji Swami Shree Yogi Satyam

A residential program is also being held before Guru Purnima Celebration.
Join 1-week
Residential Kriyayoga Program
17th July to 23rd July 2021
25th July to 27th July, 2021
Kriyayoga Initiation Program
To receive the teachings of the advanced spiritual technique (Kriyayoga Higher Initiation), the practitioner of Kriyayoga must be actively practising the 1 to 42 energization/recharging steps daily and also know the fundamentals and philosophy behind the practice.
Guided instructions to learn Kriyayoga Recharging steps:
If you have already been initiated into Kriyayoga (Kriyaban), you are most welcome to participate.
If you are a beginner and interested to take Initiation, please master the recharging steps and join a 1-week residential program.