The Science of
Kriyayoga Meditation
as taught by

K umbh Mela 2025
The Kumbh Mela is a major religious fair held in India since time immemorial to keep high spiritual goals in constant sight of the general population. Pilgrims and devotees gather by the millions every six years to meet thousands of sadhus, yogis, swamis, and ascetics at the Kumbh Mela. Many hermits who never leave their seclusion (except to attend the melas) bestow their blessings on worldly men and women who seek spiritual help and can benefit from their spiritual guidance.
Allahabad, the sacred Prayaga Tirtha, the unique place of confluence of the holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati, is a principle site for the largest congregation of the general public and of spiritual devotees and masters during Kumbh and Maha Kumbh. Saints and sages find a Kumbh Mela to be an ideal place to impart spiritual instruction to those who can heed it.
The Kriyayoga Ashram and Research Institute is a unique spiritual site to impart Kriyayoga Meditation worldwide. The holy Mahavatar Babaji Banyan Tree on the premises of Ashram radiates a spiritual aura and perfect healing vibrations. Anyone who practices Kriyayoga under the green, cool, and calm vibration of the Banyan Tree is able to easily solve all problems of life. Such a great intensity of spiritual vibration of the Banyan Tree is because Mahavatar Babaji blessed this site at the 1894 Kumbh Mela with his highly advance disciples.
The Kriyayoga Ashram is located at the very bank of the Holy Ganga and sacred Mela grounds. Therefore, the Kriyayoga Ashram sets up a large camp and meditation tent on the Mela grounds, where Guruji conducts Kriyayoga Meditation Sessions 3-4 times per day at the Mela at no charge to pilgrims from all over the world and all walks of life. Read More

Mahavatar Babaji - ''What do you think of the Kumbha Mela?‘'
Swami Yukteshwar Giri - “‘I was greatly disappointed, sir.’ I added hastily,
‘Up until the time I met you. Somehow saints and this commotion don’t seem to belong together.’''
Babaji - “‘Child,’ the master said, though apparently I was nearly twice his own age, ‘for the faults of the many, judge not the whole. Everything on earth is of mixed character, like a mingling of sand and sugar. Be like the wise ant which seizes only the sugar, and leaves the sand untouched. Though many sadhus here still wander in delusion, yet the mela is blessed by a few men of God-realization.’''
- (excerpt from Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda)
Accommodation is available at the ashram as well as at the Kumbh Mela camp.
Please send us your request at least 10 days prior to your arrival.
Avoid travelling on bathing dates. Plan to come two or three days prior to bathing dates.

"Visit the Sacred Mahavatar Babaji Banyan Tree situated
centrally in the area of Kumbh Mela and is adjacent to GT Road. Deathless Mahavatar Babaji prophesied the future of all creations of cosmos under the blessed Banyan Tree .
Mahavatar Babaji gave the perfect interpretation that the future of all creations will be brighter and better. People will follow the path of Truth and Non-Violence more with each coming day. This prophesy was made to Gyanavatar Swami Yukteshwar Giri in 1894."